Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra, Nature and 7 Chakras

Vastu  Shastra is an ancient science that informs about the building of structures in a manner to connect us with the nature & different Chakras of energies.

Vastu Shastra is mentioned in Hindu Scriptures Vedas and is a part of Atharva Vedas which is about four to five hundred years old.

Any Structure built on a piece of land is Vastu. It is a Science which instructs how to maintain equilibrium of all five Panch Maha Bhootas or five elements with all directions. Vastu is define as Va (to live) and Tu (you), a place where person lives which is made up of Panch Maha Bhoota or five elements that are- Air (vayu) Water (jal) Earth (Prithvi) Space (Akash). With the help of it, one can get best benefits of natural energy such as Sun, Moon, Wind, Light, Thermal, Electrical, Magnetic and Cosmic energies.

Vastu Shastra helps us to unblock our fates, happiness, finances and clear our vision in life. Vastu Shastra is a science that helps us to improve our spiritual understanding of how to live with the balance of all five elements. Vastu Consultant can help in balancing energies at your built home ,work place with easy and without demolition remedies.

Hindu Temple Vastu

Hindu temples are made according to the principles mentioned in Vedas and Upanishads and it is designed in such a way that person gets abundance of peace, positivity and affinity.

Each and every construction of walls, tombs, directions, pillars, sculptures, arts all are designed with the help of Hindu Shastra. It represents trinity of Vedic version by mapping relationship between Brahmand (Cosmos) and Pindas (cells) by unique plans based on unique tips.

Hindu Temples are meant to encourage reflection, facilitate purification of one’s mind and trigger the process of inner realization with the Almighty.

 Way of Implementation of Vastu Rules?

Whenever we decide to construct a building, there are several things that need our careful consideration. Similarly for places of worships like temples, churches, etc. it is important to select the site or land with utmost care. Thus, Vastu Shastra has given the utmost importance to selection of a right plot along with some principles that one should follow-

Types of soil

Soil is usually classified according to its colours.

Black and clayey soil is not favorable for construction.

White soil with sweet taste, having lotus smell and greenery is considered very good for use.

Red soil which smells like blood and astringent in taste is average but needs some attention.

Pale green or yellow soil that has graining smell and sour taste is average and needs a lot of rectification.

Also, the load bearing capacity of the soil should be checked before beginning any sort of construction on it as it will make the foundation of the building.

Plot location

The surrounding of a plot affect us directly and indirectly, so it is important that we select the right location for the construction of the building. The land should not be bought from people who are suffering from any sort of prolonged disease or people who have become distressed as the atmosphere of a particular space depends on the people living there.

It is important that the soil should not contain bones, skeletons or ant-hills. Old houses that are damaged due to natural phenomena like storm, rain or fire should not be bought. We should also not buy the land that is sandwiched between two huge buildings.

Plot shape 

The plot should either be square or rectangle in shape and irregular shapes should be avoided. The plot should be observed for its positive and negative vibrations. We should prepare a Vastu Analysis chart indicating important aspects and grading of the plot and its surroundings.

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Hindu Temples and Origin

The word temple is derived by Latin word” Templum” which means square or rectangular place. A Temple is a sacred place which is scientifically and technically architected in ancient Hindu religion.

Hindu temples are places where we worship Hindu Gods & Goddesses and believe as sacred Holy place.

The structure of Hindu temples are made in such a way that the power and architecture of this sacred positive place energizes and help people to connect to their Almighty, Universe and get blessed. In Hindu temples, faith is the only permanent tool which is highly volatile to explain its importance.

Temples of South Indian Styles

Basic form of Hindu temples are square where the four direction contain a platform with a deity in the centre. The centre is heart of the temple where Gods or Goddesses are worshipped. Inner centre or Sanctum is called “Garbhagriha”.

Central tower is the most sacred part of temple.  Doors are mostly in the East direction and in front of the door there is a porch supported by pillars where people gather and the sage or priest are at the centre to perform puja or prayers.

Hindu Temples are made with the help of Copper Yantras, Bells & Arts. Architecture of temples are designed with the help of all five elements. Worshippers are supposed to go clock wise of center “Grabhagriha” where God or Goddesses are placed to assemble positive energy where prayers are performed by priest. The temple should be dedicated to all deity and are arranged in such a specific order so that the worship proceeds transfer to next god. A deity of Ganesha is placed first among of all.

Vastu and Living

Vastu Shastra can really enhance people’s knowledge and interest for spirituality as well. It can help people realize the quest for something deeper within them, life, death, etc.

Vastu promotes internal peace and calm and it can also promote cooperative relationship among the dwellers that live inside the structure.

It can promote happiness and healthiness of the mind. Proper implementation of Vastu in the building keeps it the dwellers energetic the whole day long.

In Vastu Shastra Vastu Purush is situated in each house if we made & use direction in the manner that all five elements are maintaining the cycle of creation, than life would be more wonderful.

Famous building such as Taj Mahal, Akshar Dham Mandir, Lotus Temple, Siddhi Vinayak Temple, Balaji Temple, Golden Temple are made under ancient Vastu Shastra.

According to directions all deities reside and cover each direction and are responsible for each & every part in our lives. In Ancient times Vastu tools were the part of studies and helped people to utilize this knowledge. In modern world, we give more importance to interior but if the building is made using the principles of Vastu Shastra then the life of the residents will be more fulfilling.

Famous Temples and Churches Built With Vastu Architecture

Akshar Dham Mandir in New Delhi is the world largest temple made according to Principles of Vastu Shastra and is mentioned in Guinness World Book Record.

Tirupati Balaji Mandir in Tirumala hills in Andhra Pradesh is made according to principles of Vastu Shastra mentioned in Agyan Shastra.

Lotus Temple in Delhi is made according to principles of Vastu Shastra .It is made in the shape of a lotus as the lotus flower has an important significance in Hindu mythology which is a symbol of peace & harmony.

Mata Vaishno Devi Mandir in Jammu the holy shrine of Mata Vaishno Devi resides in a cave name “Trikuta” which manifest in three forms, Maa Kali ,Maa Laxmi and  Maa Saraswati is made according to principles of Vastu Shastra.

Golden Temple in gurudwara is situated in Amritsar in” Amrit Sarovar” which is beautifully constructed by Hindu Vastu Shastra architectural structure.

A Christian church at Kumbanad in Kerela, Pathanamthitta district has been constructed using the Principles of Vastu Shastra after which 12 Churches were renovated or Rebuilt according to the principles of Vastu Shastra.

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Hindu Temples and Mesmerising Facts

In Hindu Vastu Shastra we talk about the energies of the Earth, we study about how to stimulate & amplify natural energies according to Vastu.

After a lot of research it is found that the temples are made according to the frequencies of 7 Chakras, these are-

  1. Varg Chakra (to find out the city or direction of Temple).
  2. Shalya Shodhan Chakra (to find out appropriate plot or Bhumi for Temple)
  3. Varsh Vastu Chakra (for construction time & Muhurat for Temple)
  4. Dwar Chakra ( for construction of the door in Temple)
  5. Kup Chakra (boring water tank in Mandir )
  6. Mov Chakra (for construction of Roof & Pillars in Temples)
  7. Kalash Chakra (for grah pravesh or Muhurat for entering in Temple after construction)

There are 108 chakras  in our body but in Vastu Shastra, we talk about 7 Chakras only and related Panch maha bhoota elements. Before constructing a Temple, maps of the building are made to activate Chakras of body that’s why person feels relaxed,rejunavated and energetic inside the temple. Vastu consultation help in balancing chakras and energies within the building and body. Contact our expert international renowned Vastu consultant Ms Dimple Babbar.

  1. ROOT CHAKRA “Mooladhar Chakra”- LORD GANESHA is the ruler of Mooladhar chakra,as it depicts the base of life. We start any new work by saying” Sri Ganesh karo
  2. SACRAL CHAKRA “Swadhishthana Chakra”- BRAHMA &MAA LAXMI rules the Swadhishthana chakra,as it is initiation and enjoyment of life.
  3. SOLAR PLEXUS “Manipura Chakra”- LORD NARAYANA, LORD HANUMAN rules the Manipura chakra,as it is the nurturing and power of life.
  4. HEART CHAKRA “Anahata Chakra”- RADHA &KRISHNA rules the Anahata Chakra,as it is emotions and inner peace of life.
  5. THROAT CHAKRA “Vishudha Chakra”-LORD SHIVA& MAA SARASWATI rules the Vishudha Chakra, as it is communication with the outer world and inner self.
  6. BROW CHAKRA “Ajna Chakra”- LORD SHIVA rules the Ajna Chakra, as it is the access of inner wisdom of life.
  7. CROWN CHAKRA “Sahsrara Chakra”-LORD SHIVA rules the Sahsrara chakra, as it is the truth and bliss of life.

Hindu Temples are designed according to activate and balance the Chakras of the person who visit the temple. Minute detailing of the construction is mentioned in the Vastu Shastra so that harmony between the outer world and inner space is synchronized to get the best living.

Also Read: Energy Cleansing at Home with Tips by Ms. Dimple Babbar

Temple soil of the field has to be checked. 

There are mainly three types of Rocks with the help of which Hindu Temples structures has to be designed, these rocks are Feminine Rocks which are used at inner side of Temples, Masculine Rocks are uses at the outer side of The temples & Neutral Rocks are used at the floor of temples.

Tombs in Mandir are structured like Pyramids so that the Earth’s energies can be circulated throughout the buildings, and the tomb is either made up of Gold Metal or Ashtadhatu (combination of Eight Metals).

There are four directions namely East ,West, North & South which are further divided into 8 directions and then sub divided into 16 directions & those 16 direction are then divided into 32 entries of a building.

All Ancient Hindu temples are tilted five and a qurater degree towards Varuna that is WEST Direction. In Puranic Temples all God & Goddess are placed in proportion of degrees & directions.

Consult our Future Prediction Today -F.P.T team to get the best knowledge of Vastu Shastra, which is very important for each and every human to get peace, harmony & positive energies in their lives.

We can’t change our Destiny & the past Karmas but with the help of Principles of Vastu Shastra & Architectural Design, House, Offices, Temples can be made to balance the energies and five elements (existence of life) & Chakras that help us to connect with Universe to make living beautiful and positive.

Also Read: 7 Questions You Need To Ask A Vastu Consultant Online

Written by Rimmi Bedi

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