Rahu Transit 2020

Rahu Transit 2020: Effects on Zodiac Sign

Rahu transit 2020 explains that Rahu, one of the Navgraha, is referred to as a shadow planet as it doesn’t have an actual element. Regardless of this reality, Rahu is known to significantly affect all the Zodiac Signs. It is accepted that a malefic Rahu can destroy somebody’s life while a benefic Rahu can likewise do wonders for you.

Rahu is known to create turmoil and nervousness and can entangle an individual in lawful issues. A gainful Rahu causes the individual to strike gold and collect name and distinction, particularly in the field of legislative issues.

This year rahu and ketu transited on 23 September 2020 at 08:20 AM toward the beginning of the day, the planet Rahu travelled from Gemini to Taurus. The highlight be noted is that the movement of Rahu is consistently the retrogressive way, which suggests that Rahu consistently follows retrograde movement.

The transit of Rahu is of central significance in the lives of locals of all the zodiac signs. Let us take a sneak look and discover what the Rahu travel in 2020 has available for you.

Rahu Transit 2020 for Aries:

The shadow planet Rahu travelled in the second house from your moon sign, which is the reason you will be needed to keep a tab on your costs just as words. You and your relatives will confront contrasts of suppositions, which can influence the serene climate in the family.

Giving your involvement on gathering abundance can make separations among you and your family, subsequently find some kind of harmony between the two.  On the off chance that you are hitched, at that point this transit of Rahu can mess wellbeing up for your companion.

During this time, you can benefit significant benefits with respect to any huge property, or in the event that you own any old property, at that point you can procure great benefit from its deal.

This time will be great for your mom’s wellbeing, as her wellbeing will improve. You need to focus on your eating routine during this time, in any case, your unreliable demeanour towards your wellbeing can welcome a few other medical issues.

Remedy: Recite Shri Hanuman Ashtak multiple times a day.

Rahu Transit 2020 for Taurus:

With Rahu traveling in your sign, you may fall prey to some sort of misconceptions, which can trigger mental pressure inside you. Consequently, you have to control yourself and follow a way tirelessly. During this time, you are needed to abstain from being in a terrible organization.

Your wellbeing will be acceptable and dynamic capacity will improve also. You will become rushed while conveying any work, which can raise the chance of slip-ups. Henceforth, remain calm in on your work. Rahu in your zodiac sign will give you gigantic achievement in business. Thus it will be best for you to deal with extending your business during this period.

Your arrangements will succeed, and you will remain intellectually set up to settle on significant choices too. Clashes with life accomplices are conceivable. This travel can get some huge changes in your day to day existence, so deal with your wellbeing and make an honest effort to improve things in your wedded life.

Remedy: Recite the Shri Suktam everyday

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Rahu Transit 2020 for Gemini:

The planet Rahu has travelled from your Gemini sign to Taurus. This travel has occurred in your twelfth house, which will cause great outcomes relating to unfamiliar visits. In any case, with the effect of this travel, your costs may increase. Because of pointless financial outpouring occurring, you will feel forced to control your costs, which can trigger pressure inside you.

This time-frame will be great for you to make a venture. Despite the fact that you will have the option to overwhelm your adversaries, it will prompt a significant ascent in costs too. You will run over a few occasions to accomplish financial increases from unfamiliar sources.

On the off chance that you work in a global organization or abroad, at that point this time will end up being profoundly good for you. Be that as it may, you may experience the ill effects of a few medical problems identified with eyes, for example, torment in the eyes or a sleeping disorder during this period. You have to recall not to get dependent on any sort of harmful substance since it will contrarily affect your wellbeing just as life.

Remedy: Recite the Shri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram routinely.

Rahu Transit 2020 for Cancer:

The transit of Rahu has occurred in the eleventh house from your sign. This span will acquire critical improvement your money related conditions. You will have the option to effectively accumulate abundance and make another character in the general public.

You will go over new and inventive undertakings in your business. This travel of Rahu will end up being good for you since every one of your desires and wants will get satisfied, and you will achieve joy and thriving throughout everyday life.  There will be an ascent in your pay levels, which will reinforce your money related conditions too.

This travel of Rahu will assist you with expanding your group of friends, and you will have the option to grow your companion hover too. You will begin going to gatherings and parties. On the off chance that you love somebody, at that point this is the ideal opportunity to step forward. You can go on a significant distance trip, plan a film, or go to a gathering with your dearest during this period.

This travel will end up being promising for your profession. On the off chance that you are a sportsperson or a player, you are well on the way to succeed. Locals related with the field of governmental issues will observer a brilliant period after this transit of Rahu.

Remedy: Install Kuber Yantra and chant Shri Kuber Mantra as often as possible.

Rahu Transit 2020 for Leo:

This Rahu has travelled from Gemini to Taurus sign, that is, in the 10th house from your sign. During this time, you can feel confused with respect to your inclination of work. Be that as it may, you will effectively resolve this disarray by looking for the guidance of somebody encountered and center well on your work.

You will have the option to convey the work intelligently. Nonetheless, stay away from any sort of contention or getting into a contention pointlessly and carry on well with everybody. During this time, you will remain much occupied in your work, which can make a separation among you and your family.

You should deal with your folk’s wellbeing toward this path. In the event that you wish to put resources into an establishment, at that point proceed with the thought since it can profit you significantly.

Remedy: Perform the aarti of Goddess Maha Lakshmi Daily

Rahu Transit 2020 for Virgo:

Rahu transit is occurring in the ninth house from your moon sign. During this time, your advantage in otherworldly exercises will raise and you will habitually visit strict destinations. Abstain from having contrasts with your dad and deal with his wellbeing too.

You will likewise turn out to be very strict with the travel of Rahu and get an opportunity to wash in the blessed waterways. With the beginning of this travel, you will go on long excursions, which will end up being advantageous for you.

In the event that you work together, at that point circumstances will end up being ideal. More endeavours will prompt more benefits. Unexpectedly, this transit of Rahu can assist you with landing the ideal position move or change.

Your dad will likewise prevail in his undertakings during this period. You are encouraged to help your kin when needed in this period. In issues identified with property, this travel will end up being useful for you. Additionally, in the event that you live away from your place of birth, at that point you can effectively get genealogical property in your name during this period.

Remedy: Perform the aarti of Lord Saturn.

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Rahu Transit 2020 for Libra:

This transit of Rahu has occurred in the eighth house from the sign, you will build up an interest in some sort of exploration work. During this period, you will get an occasion to travel to another country. This travel of Rahu will end up being horrible with regards to your wellbeing, which is the reason you are needed to care for what you eat and drink.

Contact a specialist promptly if essential. There will be abrupt huge changes in your day to day existence. You must be somewhat careful at your work environment on the grounds that your smallest misstep can acquire significant negative ramifications for you.

Hitched locals are probably going to hear some uplifting news from their parents in law’s side. Additionally, your relationship with your parents in law will improve. Your life accomplice will achieve money related benefits. On the off chance that you are enamoured, at that point with this travel, the closeness between both of you will increment and you will feel profoundly pulled in just as committed towards your accomplice.

Understudies may need to confront a few issues in their investigations since they are probably going to confront hindrances in their scholastic life. Abstain from acting illegal with regards to lawful issues, in any case, misfortunes may happen. On the off chance that any medical condition annoys you during the time of this travel, at that point at any rate you should counsel the specialist.

Remedy: Perform the aarti of Lord Ganesha everyday

Rahu Transit 2020 for Scorpio:

Rahu travelled in the seventh house from the period of September will acquire strains your wedded life. Any sort of misconception between both of you can make separations. Thusly, it would be better for you to zero in on improving your relationship during this time. In this period, your life accomplice may request that you spend on something exceptional.

You will invest your energy with them and talk about significant issues. In the event that you are dealing with a business, at that point this time will end up being advantageous for you since you will have the option to extend your business.

Undertaking long excursions during this period will additionally upgrade your arranging and help your business develop. During this period, your standing in the general public will fortify and you will be viewed as a significant figure.

You are recommended not to lose your dedication towards your life accomplice and fall in any sort of extra-conjugal relationship since it can harm your picture in the general public. Your capabilities will assist you with fortifying your situation at your working environment and you may get an advancement by putting forth great attempts.

Remedy: Perform the aarti of Lord Mahadev daily.

Rahu Transit 2020 for Sagittarius:

The transit of Rahu has occurred in your 6th house. Rahu in this house gives extremely promising outcomes and triumph over adversaries. In the event that there was a progressing case in the court, you will accomplish triumph because of the situation of Rahu during this time. Right now, the travel of Rahu will be in the 6th house from your zodiac sign.

This Rahu will likewise give boldness and increment your fearlessness. This Rahu will assume a significant function in wiping out the challenges of working individuals. During this time, any wellbeing related issue can trouble you however stay guaranteed as you will likewise get the fearlessness to battle it.

Notwithstanding, in the event that the issue emerges, at that point you can look for a clinical supposition at any rate twice. There are odds of you making inefficient costs, which is the reason they should stay wary. Abstain from getting cash from anybody during this travel. You are destined to make progress in serious assessments.

On the off chance that you work in the field of governmental issues or support, at that point this travel will give you excellent outcomes and your regard will likewise ascend in the general public. You are well on the way to hear uplifting news from the individuals from your maternal side.

Remedy: Recite Shri Guru Gayatri Mantra 108 times a day.

Rahu Transit 2020 for Capricorn:

Rahu is set in the fifth house from your moon sign which will cause you to feel confused and weak in taking choices. Because of certain false impressions with your youngsters, you will feel focused. In any case, this transit of Rahu will move you to push ahead and propose numerous approaches to build your pay.

In spite of the fact that you should not become careless as it can blowback against you. Attempt to do well in your occupation during this time so as to limit the issue of any sort. Understudies should zero in on concentrates as any unsettling influence can make you lose your concentration from contemplates.  

Your insight will get more refined, which will improve your memory. In love matters, this Rahu will assist you with getting absolute, and you won’t keep away from doing anything for your dear, which will expand the closeness and love in your relationship. Accomplices of wedded locals can get great advantages during this time, which will prompt satisfaction in your home.

Remedy: Chant the Shri Shani Gayatri Mantra 108 times

Rahu Transit 2020 for Aquarius:

The transit of Rahu has happened in your fourth house which may cause some disappointment with family life and you may need to move away from the family because of hecticness at work. In such a circumstance, dedicate all your free time to your family so as to keep up that adoration and care.

With this travel of Rahu, you will start to state your energy over your relatives and show a touch of strength, which can adversely affect your picture.  With the travel of Rahu, you will feel enlivened to explore new territory to achieve joy.

During this time, you can likewise purchase a property with the end goal of venture, despite the fact that you won’t find the opportunity to live in it right now. You need to deal with your mom’s wellbeing as a few medical issues can trouble her.

In the event that your life partner is utilized, at that point during this time, they can get an advancement in their field of work. Attempt to stay away from mental pressure, as it can affect your wellbeing. Set aside some effort to rest amidst this bustling timetable.

Remedy: Recite Shri Rudra Mantra daily.

Rahu Transit 2020 for Pisces:

This Rahu has travelled in the third house from your moon sign and it will dispose of your difficulties. This time will likewise be useful for initiating any new work. With this transit of Rahu, you will likewise go on numerous little outings, which will help your self-assurance and you will likewise increase great advantages from them.

On the off chance that you deal with any business, at that point this travel of Rahu will end up being gainful for you, and your arrangements will offer beneficial outcomes alongside name and notoriety.

You will develop effectiveness in legal disputes, and your rivals won’t try to challenge you in this period. Endeavours done on an individual premise will enable you to succeed, and you can build up an interest. These will assist you with picking up acknowledgment in the public arena.

Remedy: Recite Shri Gayatri Mantra multiple times a day

Written by Astrologer Bharat Saini

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