Solar Eclipse 2021

First Annular Solar Eclipse 2021 and Its Effect on Zodiac Signs

Solar eclipse is an astronomical process, First Annular Solar eclipse on 10th June 2021 Thursday, of Vaishakha Amavasya falling on 1:42 p.m. to 6:41 p.m. in the zodiac sign of Taurus and Mrigshira nakshatra. The upcoming Annular Solar eclipse is not visible in India, hence the Sutak Kaal and religious observation are not being seen.

The Solar Eclipse is visible in north -eastern part of Canada, Russia, Arctic Ocean passing over the North Pole, Greenland and the Russian Far East. The solar eclipse will appear partially in northern and eastern North America, most of Europe and Northern Asia. The magnitude of this eclipse is very low.

DATE – 10th June 2021, Time-IST

Eclipse start 13hr -42m
Eclipse 15hr-20m


Eclipse mid 16hr-12m
Eclipse 17hr-03m

End of Eclipse 18hr-41m

There are different types of solar eclipse

Total Solar Eclipse – occurs when the moon completely covers the Sun and complete shadow casts on Earth.

Partial Solar Eclipse – occurs when the moon partially covers the Sun and partly shadow casts on Earth

Annular solar eclipse – occurs when moon is positioned in between sun and earth and partly obscuring the sun, only in a middle region and it creates a ring like disc which is called annular solar eclipse

In astrology Solar eclipse is called Surya Grahan ,when sun and moon get eclipsed by the  shadowy planets Rahu and Ketu.The planet Mercury of rational thinking ,intellect and social skills also conjuncts the Sun ,Moon and Rahu , so this Solar eclipse bring confusion ,frustration .The impact of Solar Eclipse is more stronger as Moon darkens the Sun -creator of life.

Rules to be followed during Solar Eclipse are as follows

  • The period of 12 hours before the solar eclipse is considered inauspicious in our Vedic texts, that time period is called Sutak Kaal , the doors of the temple are also closed during this time. It is   scientifically also proven that the Sun emits UV rays which are harmful for the human beings.
  • Put Basil leaves or Durva in milk, milk products and liquid form of food to preserve from getting spoiled before Sutak kaal begins.
  • Observe fast before 12 hours and for elderly person, patients and kids can observe fast only during the time period of Eclipse. When Eclipse ends one should take bath, clean the kitchen and sprinkle Gangajal all over in the home.
  • The eclipse muhurat is considered very powerful for mantra siddhi and getting the blessings of god. The person will get 100 times result of chanting mantras, one should recite Gayatri Mantra, Surya mantra or any mantra the person knows. Do charity of money, whole grains, cow or gold as per your capacity after the eclipse ends.
  • Bathing in the holy rivers Ganga, Yamuna is considered auspicious and it is believed that it washes away your all sins.
  • This Solar eclipse is occurring on the Mrigshira nakshatra will give more adverse effects on the natives with the mrigshira – natal nakshatra.There is possibility of health or wealth loss, so It is advised to donate cow, gold, food items and chant Gayatri mantra .
  •  Any auspicious event should be avoided a week before and after Solar Eclipse as the grahan muhurat is considered bad for religious rituals.


The astrologer advises you to read the below predictions from your ascendant sign .If you do not know your ascendant sign then read the same from moon sign .If moon sign is also not known then read it from the Zodiac sign . The ascendant sign which is calculated from the birth details viz. date, month, year, time and place of birth gives 85% accurate predictions. The accuracy of predictions from moon sign gets limited to only 50%.The predictions from Zodiac are only 25% accurate .In nutshell the predictions from ascendant sign are most accurate .In getting personality analysis the traits given by ascendant sign are 100%accurate .Similarly the horoscope predictions obtained from ascendant sign are most accurate and that is the essence of Vedic Astrology.

Surya Grahan occurring on Zodiac sign Taurus will impart different effects on each and every individual with different Zodiac signs.For personal and detailed analysis of your horoscope take an online consultation from   FPT (Future Prediction Today) best astrologers Ms Dimple Babbar and Mr Yashkaran Sharma.

 Aries zodiac sign

The Arians are go getters, the solar eclipse will give mental tensions regarding the family and children. The sudden and unwanted expenses shall remain on higher side. The spouse will remain unwell and they have arguments with each other for no reason. The peace of mind will be lost because of solar eclipse. There is possibility that person will get financial loss or money get stuck but shortly person will get a way out. This will be a temporary phase for Arians and everything will start getting restored after 17 June 2021.

Remedy – Do meditation and chant Om Namah Shivaye on the day of Eclipse and donate whole wheat grains, fodder to cow.

Taurus zodiac sign

The Solar eclipse will affect the Taurean emotionally and mentally. There will be misunderstanding or argument with the spouse or partner. Taureans are very patient so handle the situation carefully and matter get resolved after the impact of eclipse is over. They will channelised their aggression in work and get success in their field.

Remedy – You are advised to recite Surya Gayatri mantra and do meditation.

                       ऊं आदित्याय विदमहे दिवाकराय धीमहि तन्नौः सूर्य: प्रचोदयात्। 

Gemini zodiac sign 

The Gemini natives will experience sudden setback or loss financially and personally. The health of the family member or parents may keep you worried and stressed. You might lose your confidence and find difficulty in decision making .There is a possibility of minor injury or stomach related issue so get your checkups done on time. The children and their studies will be the matter of concern for you.But the relief will start coming after 17th June and all matters get resolved within 2 months.

Remedy – Do Vishnu Sahsranaam and Vishnu Puja and donate red and black lentils, wheat, jaggery and mustard oil.

Cancer zodiac sign 

The Cancerians will have conflicts with the partner or spouse on the issue of finance or children. There is possibility that any financial deal gets cancelled or money gets stuck in the property. You are advised to postpone the financial investment or deal till mid of the July. The family member of the native might face heart related issues or lung infection or injury which will give anxiety and stress to the native. 

Remedy – Recite Om Namah Shivay and donate red lentils, wheat, jaggery after the eclipse.

Leo zodiac sign 

The impact of Surya Grahan will not give auspicious results in the professional life .The arguments with the   bosses and co-workers will hamper the peace of mind. You might lose confidence level. Your spouse or partner or friends will be a great support in decision making and taking care of you. The payment gets stuck in the property related matters. The health of father will remain the cause of stress. The issues will start getting resolved after 17th June .The positive results in financial and professional area will restored after month of July.

 Remedy – Chant Surya mantra, Aditya Hridya stotram and donate jaggery, ghee, red lentil to needy after the eclipse.

Virgo zodiac sign

The native will not get the favour of destiny in their work and property related issues. You are advised not to take any decision in haste. There is a possibility of stomach related issues or injury or eye trouble or lower back problem. The native might have disagreements with the family members but this will be temporary phase of one and a half month. Everything will be restored, person will get financial gains at job or business. 

Remedy – Recite Vishnu sahsranaam and donate wheat, jaggery, red lentil, sooji rusk after the eclipse

Libra zodiac sign

The solar eclipse will affect the health of the  native .The native may likely to  suffer from UTI, stomach , intestine , kidney problem or  cyst in Uterus .The mental peace of the native will get hampered because of arguments with the bosses and  tension at work place .The native might face financial losses and unnecessary expenditure .The health related issues will get resolved within one and a half months .You are advised not to do any investment in property related matters  for 2 months as there are chances of money gets blocked.

 Remedy – Worship lord Shiva and recite Maha mrityunjya mantra, donate red and black lentils, Mustard oil, Wheat, Sooji after the eclipse ends.

Scorpio zodiac sign

The native might face disagreements with the spouse or in partnership so you are advised to handle the situation skilfully and pleasantly.  The time period of solar eclipse is not a good muhurat to sign a deal or start new venture.You are advised to wait for 2 months till end of July for any new engagements or investments.  The solar eclipse might disturb your mental peace so try to release your negative energy in exercising, meditation and go for a walk daily. Children of the native will do fairly well in studies. The personal and professional differences with the partner or spouse is a temporary phase and everything gets restored shortly.

Remedy – Recite Durga kavach and donate green lentil, cow fodder, wheat and sugar after the eclipse ends.

Sagittarius zodiac sign

The solar eclipse will affect the native’s family and incur financial loss. The native is advised not to drive rash as there is possibility of injury or accident. The native will be worried regarding children and their studies, not to take any decision for future of children. This is a temporary phase which will get restored after 2 months. The native will start getting good results in all fields of life.

Remedy – Recite Mahamrityunjya mantra 108 times and worship Lord Shiva. Donate food grains after the eclipse ends.

Capricorn zodiac sign

The period of eclipse will create temporary impact on Capricorn as native will have minor health issues related to stomach ache or indigestion . The  education  of children  will be issue of concern . Your decision might go wrong so don’t take any important decisions or deals for next 2 months. There will be clashes among the couple but get resolved soon.

Remedy- Worship Goddess Durga and recite Durga Kavach   

Aquarius zodiac sign 

The eclipse will affect the health of the native and might give injury or surgery. The mental peace of the native will be disturbed because of ill health of father. The person will face financial loss and unnecessary expenditure. The person should avoid arguments with the family members .The person should focus on health and immunity, go for a regular walk and do meditation.

Remedy – Worship Lord Shiva, recite Maha mrityunjya mantra and Surya mantra

Pisces zodiac sign 

The Pisceans will lose confidence level and focus in their work. The native will find obstacles and hard to accomplish the pending work .The tension of children will give him sleepless nights. The person will get relief and solution after 15 September 2021. Do not take any decision or any investment otherwise you might lose the money. Take an online consultation from FPT best astrologers.

Remedy- Recite Om Namah Shivaye and Surya mantra.

Solar eclipse 2021 will effect differently on each rashi depending on the strength, dasha and placement of the planets in the horoscope. The effect of solar eclipse on different rashi will start one week (3rd June 2021) before the actual date 10th June 2021 of Solar eclipse. The above are general predictions for all rashi. Talk to our FPT (Future Prediction Today) best astrologers Ms Dimple Babbar and Mr Yashkaran Sharma for the personalised and detailed analysis of your birth chart or horoscope. 

Written by Ms. Dimple Babbar

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