Read your forecast from ascendant sign (Lagna). Ascendant sign is calculated from your birth details that is date, month, year, time and place of birth. If you don’t know your ascendant sign, you can contact our astrologer to know the same.
Those who do not know their time of birth should read forecast from their moon sign. The prediction from moon sign are partially accurate and restricted to 75%. The accuracy of predictions from Sun sign is 25% only whereas the forecast from Lagna sign is 100% accurate.
The first 2 days of the week shall bring mental worries related children, unnecessary tensions and makes you aggressive. 10th and 11th of October shall remain auspicious and get the way out for all work. 12th October shall keep you busy in house hold work and family. 13th and 14 shall bring happiness in love life, with your partner and children. 15th October you shall take care of your health and keep control on your anger.
The 2nd week of October, 8th, 9th shall bring expenditure on children and family. 10th, 11th and 12th October shall keep you busy in social gatherings and travel. The transit of planet Rahu on your sign shall keep your indulgence in one or the other work. 13th, 14th shall bring some peace of mind and you shall relax at home. 15th October shall not be auspicious so you are advised to stay away from hot conversations.
The beginning of the week shall bring new opportunities and bring confidence at work. 10th and 11th October shall bring monetary gains and happiness at work. 12th and 13th shall keep you busy with your children, travel and fun. 14th and 15th shall give you mental tensions at home.
The first two days 8th and 9th shall not give good results for your work done and frustrations. 10th and 11th shall bring fruitful results. You shall be successful in all your accomplishments and get benefitted from your partner in 12th and 13th. You shall enjoy with your family. 14th and 15th indicating expenditure on entertainment and pleasure.
The starting of week shall bring one or the other disturbance at home and work. 10th and 11th October shall bring unnecessary expenditure on house hold and family. 12th and 13th October you shall remain busy in your work and travel. 14th and 15th you shall control your temper but expenditure shall remain high.
Whole week, there shall be unnecessary fights among the partners and hot conversations, shall bring adverse results in marriage, love life and moreover it shall bring disharmony in the family. There shall be negative impact on health, so keep good care of yourself.
With the beginning of week luck shall favour and all your work start getting pace and from 10th to 14th you shall get auspicious and sudden gains in the property, vehicles and other investments. 15th shall bring sudden expenses and worries.
The week shall start with obstructions and work shall not fructify .11th and 12th shall give relief and positive outcomes of your hardwork. 13TH, 14th and 15th there shall be more expenses than earnings and difference opinion with the family members. Try to avoid unnecessary arguments and discussions.
Beginning of the week shall bring auspicious results in the business, work space and gains. 11th, 12th indicates investment in property, household items. 13th, 14th, 15th shall make you more confident and recharged. You shall be busy in your work and luck shall favour.
The first two days of the week take care of your stomach and don’t eat junk food .10th, 11th and 12th indicates sudden financial gains and you shall remain busy in your work .End of the week shall increase the concern about the studies and career of the children .There shall be disturbance in the love life and personal relationships.
8th, 9th October shall keep your mind disturbed and indicates clashes with the partner. 10th, 11th shall remain average but inner mental worries shall remain. 12th, 13th and 14th shall bring relief in the personal relationships but there shall be strenuous struggle. 15th October be cautious while driving and work. Keep yourself cool and relaxed.
Beginning of the week shall be busy and hectic but gains shall remain high. 11th, 12th, 13th shall give good results in your work space and you shall be the winner. For mental peace and satisfaction keep your patience and don’t stress yourself. 14th and 15th shall bring arguments and clashes with the partners.