Weekly Horoscope Prediction: Read your forecast from ascendant sign (Lagna). Ascendant sign is calculated from your birth details that is date, month, year, time and place of birth.
If you don’t know your ascendant sign, you can contact our astrologer to know the same. Those who do not know their time of birth should read forecast from their moon sign.
The prediction from moon sign are partially accurate and restricted to 75%. The accuracy of predictions from Sun sign is 25% only whereas the forecast from Lagna sign is 100% accurate.
Aries Horoscope
The first two days will keep you busy in work and Household activities. 3rd and 4th shall bring auspicious results of your work done, satisfaction, happiness and internal strength will be high. 5th October shall bring uncertainty and confusion in terms of finance and family .But on 6th, 7th you shall get sudden financial gains and money.
Taurus Horoscope
Beginning of the week shall bring lots of activity in social gatherings and with friends which will bring auspicious results. Investment and gains from friends and society, and short travels is indicated. From 5th -7th October keep your anger controlled and do lots of exercises to maintain the internal strength and active.
Gemini Horoscope
You shall be busy in work in the beginning of the week. From evening of 3rd, shall ensure gains and but mental tension shall be there regarding children and with your partners throughout the week. You shall be satisfied with accomplishment of work but inner peace shall be disturbed in love life.
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Cancer Horoscope
The start of the October shall bring auspicious results in all part of your life .3rd and 4th October shall bring appreciation in the work field and society. 5th, 6th and 7th October you shall be very powerful and get success in all your work. This week shall bring good fortune in your life. You shall enjoy and spend on outings, restaurants.
Leo Horoscope
The first two days shall keep you busy in unnecessary expenses on work field, household. From 3rd onwards luck shall start favouring you, entire week shall be full of new opportunities in work and bring happiness, fun, travel and social gatherings with family.
Virgo Horoscope
First 3 days of the week shall bring lot of activity in love life, fun time with your partner and family. There shall be lots of expenditure on family, yourself. In workplace you shall get cordial relations with your colleagues and boss.
But from 4th onwards you are advised to take care of your health especially stomach, you are advised to do meditation as there shall be indication of sudden mishap or misunderstanding with your partner.
Libra Horoscope
You shall feel busy and hectic in the beginning of the week, expenses shall remain more than earnings. By the evening of 2nd work shall be on track and things shall be normal but expenses shall continue. 5th and 6th shall disturb your mental peace at home, there shall be possibility of sudden hot clashes with the partner till end of the week.
Scorpio Horoscope
The week starts with the happiness, fun and enjoyment with the family and friends. You shall be getting appreciation in the work field. Your stamina, energy level shall remain high but be cautious on 6th evening and 7th as it might give stress in the family.
Sagittarius Horoscope
First two days of the week shall bring sudden mental stress in the family which shall disturb your inner peace. 3rd and 4th shall bring auspicious result in property investment but worries shall remain from the family, children and in love life. 6th and 7th shall be disturbing but no one shall harm you.
Capricorn Horoscope
The week shall start with the unnecessary work and tensions, from 2nd evening you shall maintain peace and calm but 3rd shall bring clashes among the partners, spouse on financial and children. Worries related to children and love life shall remain throughout week.
Aquarius Horoscope
The first and 2nd October shall keep you busy in unnecessary work and there shall be difference of opinion with near and dear ones. 3rd shall keep you high in spirits but from 4th, you are advised to keep control on your tongue as it might give clashes among the partner, children and shall affect your health till end of the week.
Pisces Horoscope
Beginning of the week shall bring auspiciousness and monetary gains. But there shall be difference of opinion with the partners so avoid hot conversations for three days. 4th evening you are advised to take care of impulsive nature, as it might give Bp problem. 6th and 7th might give tensions and confusion in the personal front.