Read your forecast from ascendant sign (Lagna). Ascendant sign is calculated from your birth details that is date, month, year, time and place of birth. If you don’t know your ascendant sign, you can contact our astrologer to know the same. Those who do not know their time of birth should read forecast from their moon sign. The prediction from moon sign are partially accurate and restricted to 75%. The accuracy of predictions from Sun sign is 25% only whereas the forecast from Lagna sign is 100% accurate.
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ARIES SIGN- (21 March -20 April)
The beginning of the week indicates excellent compatibility with family, mother, children and spouse. The whole week is full of enjoyment and gains from the partner. The day of 11th November is not good for indulging in any type of argument with your partner or spouse. You are advised to maintain your inner peace and do meditation. The latter half of the week shall bring happiness and contentment in all relations.
TAURUS SIGN-(21 April – 21 May)
The week is not auspicious for personal relations as tensions regarding health of your parents shall remain throughout the week .The day of 11th and 12th November shall be absolutely perfect for education, love Life and children. Take care of your health in the latter part of the week avoid outings and food from the outside.
GEMINI SIGN – (22May – 21June)
The beginning of the week is excellent for domestic happiness and family associations. Expenses shall remain uncontrollable on social associations and outings. On 13th and 14th your peace of mind shall remain disturbed because of ongoing tensions regarding education, children and love life. Keep your patience intact and do not lose your patience as these two days will keep you in low moods.
CANCER SIGN – (22June -22July)
The planetary transit is absolutely favourable for personality development, confidence and courage. The week will be full of gatherings and associations with the immediate family. The sibling support shall bring happiness and fun in the family. Expenditure on home and family members will remain high. Festive celebrations shall be on full swing.
LEO SIGN-(23 July – 22 August)
The week starts with the low moods and confidence. Your inner peace shall remain disturb however from 9th the improvement in energy, efficiency will bring enthusiasm in your work. You will gain from the social associations and activities. The difference of opinion with your parents shall give you mental tensions and it will remain till the end of the week.
VIRGO SIGN-(23 August – 23 September)
The first half of the week is not good for health, decision making and investment. You might suffer from stomach related or any injury. Avoid any type of hot conversation with the family member or spouse. There is probability of expenses on unnecessary things and keep you worried whole week. Last two days shall bring relief and domestic happiness.
LIBRA SIGN-(24 September –23 October)
The planetary transit indicates lot of activities in the professional field but you remain less focused. Inspite of high expenses the inflow of shall remain satisfactory. The two days 11th and 12th November shall remain hectic in travelling with your family and shopping will give tensions and extra stress. Latter part of the week, you shall become enterprising and get unexpected results in your work.
SCORPIO SIGN-(24 October – 22 November)
The week shall bring good results in all domestic and work field. The full week ensure decent gains from abroad relations and expenses to go hand in hand .You shall attain favor of your destiny throughout the week. You need to be extra cautious about your health and happiness in the last two days of week.
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SAGITTARIUS SIGN-(23 November – 21 December)
The beginning of the week will keep you in low moods but from 9th November entire week is auspicious and best for work area. The transit of planets indicate complete favor of destiny along with attainment of excellent results .You will attain high standards in your work field especially persons working in the administration and politics.
CAPRICORN SIGN-(22 December- 20 January)
The planetary transit indicates that initial three days are full of tensions in partnership or with spouse. You are advised not to take any decisions in these days. The next days are indicating restoration of peace of mind and destiny. However difference of opinion with your seniors or officials shall remain but your focus and strategies in achieving your goals shall give benefits at your work.
AQUARIUS SIGN-(21 January- 19 February)
The week shall bring unexpected travel with your family and children. The love life and marital bliss will be good. On day of 11th and 12th November, Keep control on your words otherwise relationship with your spouse shall affect badly. Best solution is to keep balance approach and low profile. Last two days will bring happiness and religious activities at home.
PISCES SIGN-(20 February- 20 March)
The week starts with the enjoyment with children, love life and achieving good grades in all competitive exams. Do not get into any unnecessary conversation with your partner or spouse on 11th and 12th
November as it might aggravate the problem. Take care of your health and get your check-ups if necessary. Do not take important decisions on last two days of the week.