Marriage in India is the union of two families along with two individuals who decide to spend the second half of their lives with each other. Thus it is an important commitment meant to last a lifetime. Majority of marriages in India are still fixed by parents barring a few where the couple find each other.
They are arranged. Therefore, It is possible to match the kundali of the boy and girl before proceeding in case of an arranged set-up. Matching Kundali or horoscope for marriage can help decipher compatibility between the two partners along with their financial status, possibility of healthy progeny and health of the natives themselves.
Matching their horoscopes gives a peek into how their lives would be together in the future, thus being of great help in decision making. In today’s day and age when the divorce rate is going up, this is a useful ancient tool which can save us from unnecessary misery.
Mutual trust, love and understanding is the base of a healthy, happy relationship. One can never be happy in a lop sided and an unmatched marriage. If a horoscope has indications of divorce or mishaps, efforts in getting the right match using astrology and carrying out suggested remedies can help in reducing the chances considerably. These mishaps are a result of the candidate’s past karmas and therefore, need attention.
As per Vedic astrology, Kundali matching is done by the Ashtakoot method which uses eight parameters to measure compatibility of a couple. These are given pre-decided points and when these are added they come to a total of thirty-six Gunas or points. 18 points or Gunas are the bare minimum requirement for a happy marriage. If 18 points or more match marriage is recommended and above 28 points is a good match. In some rare cases 36 points match too.
Apart from matching the points there are certain other factors that need to check too. Mangalik dosha and its cancellation is another such factor. The matching to a great extent helps us determine a blissful union of two people.
Let’s see why Ashta-koot Milan is not enough…
Even after matching the ashta-koota points, some other crucial factors need to be matched or checked. These are quality of marriage life, lifespan of the bride or groom, planetary positions and the promise of children in both the horoscopes. These can’t be ignored. A strong or good 7th house, its lord, position and strength of Venus and Jupiter, the Karak for marriage are important for a favourable marriage.
The other factors that need to be kept in mind while matching horoscopes for marriage are:
1/ The Lagan or the ascendant of the two horoscopes and the Moon rashi compatibility are important in knowing about the like- mindedness of the prospective couple. The planetary positions in the horoscopes further give an insight into the attitude, aptitude, mindset, interests, personality and behaviour of the two individuals who are about to get married. Grah Maitri and Tara koot are some of the factors that help determine the compatibility of the couple. They should not be ignored.
2/ Another important aspect of marriage is childbirth, their happiness and health. The Nadi matching determines the chances of bearing healthy children. Placements of planets like Jupiter, the karak of children and the position of fifth house and lord too help in determining the success in bearing children and their well-being. The position of the second house too can be key in mind as it is the house for increase in kutumb. Pitra dosh in a kundali can hamper in the process of continuing the lineage.
3/ Health of the would-be bride and groom also indicates the level of physical attraction between the prospective couple so that the right level of desirability is maintained between the future bride and groom. Severe Illness can cause roadblocks in a happy married life.
4/ The alignment of the celestial bodies and their movements affect all the aspects of the couple’s life. Financial stability and abundance too is an important factor which needs to be checked from both their horoscopes and kundalis. The prospective wife or husband should support the other partner’s growth professionally and financially for a content married life.
5/ Loyalty and ethics is important in a marriage too. This can be checked from the kundali of the prospective individual. Yoga for secretive affairs or divorce cannot be ignored.
6/ Manglik dosha created by the virtue of presence of Mars in the Lagan, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses from lagan, Moon and Venus should be checked too. The placement of Mars from the Lagan being the most important. There are many cancellations of this dosha which should be seen to ensure compatibility of horoscopes.
Kundali matching or horoscope for marriage is necessary to help find a desirable match for such an important union of two people. It further eradicates all uncertainties regarding the future life partner and allows you to move ahead with confidence.
At times planetary positions can create Doshas in a kundali but a good astrologer can suggest remedies like pooja, mantra jaap, daan, etc to reduce their ill-effects. Conducting these remedies can help you not only find a favourable partner timely but can also help remove the negativities promising a successful marriage.
Future prediction can help you in getting astrology consultancy and online Kundali matching for marriage. During these difficult times of Corona and lockdown find a solution at your doorstep. Consult our esteemed and experienced astrologers to ensure a blissful future.
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