Read your forecast from ascendant sign (Lagna). Ascendant sign is calculated from your birth details that is date, month, year, time and place of birth. If you don’t know your ascendant sign, you can contact our astrologer to know the same. Those who do not know their time of birth should read forecast from their moon sign. The prediction from moon sign are partially accurate and restricted to 75%. The accuracy of predictions from Sun sign is 25% only whereas the forecast from Lagna sign is 100% accurate.
ARIES SIGN- (21 March -20 April)
The first week of the November bring happiness and joy in the family, next three days will be keep you managing your finances and budgets for the Diwali celebrations .You shall enjoy and get close to your family, parents, relatives. 5th, 6th and 7th will keep busy in connecting and sharing with near ones .You will participate in puja ceremony in your close relations.
TAURUS SIGN-(21 April – 21 May)
The first two days of week shall keep you in low moods and depression. You will face obstacles and difference of opinion with your siblings which will disturb your inner peace. By the evening of 4th, things will start favouring and next three days will boost your confidence and keep you in high spirits. You are vised to keep patience and abstain from getting into any type of argument with family members.
GEMINI SIGN – (22May – 21June)
There is possibility of financial gains in the week which will bring enthusiasm and positivity. In the midweek, the family issue will likely to give negative stress .You are advised to handle the situation tactfully. Later part of week will bring back the momentum .You will focus on health and exercises, and get inspiration to join a gym.
CANCER SIGN – (22June -22July)
The beginning of the week shall be excellent for the quick progress in work .There will be impressive enhancement of your work and get appreciation .You are advised to make a diplomatic approach as some of the colleagues or partners can create hidden problems. Mid of the week you are advised not to take important decisions. Utilise the time by performing puja or plan to visit pilgrimage in the last days of the week.
LEO SIGN-(23 July – 22 August)
The planetary transit indicates improvement in energy and destiny. But tensions and peace of mind remain disturbed due to family issues and avoid getting into argument with your mother. You shall perform well in all areas of work, the weekend indicates gains from tours and get quick inflow of money. You will get sudden gains in the last two days of the week. You are advised to do meditation for relaxation and calmness.

VIRGO SIGN-(23 August – 23 September)
First day of the week is not good for health. Expenses might go out of control which will be indicating disputes and arguments with the spouse. From 3rd, you would succeed in making things normal at work and home by your perfect financial management skills. You are advised to abstain from unnecessary arguments with anyone. The last two days are auspicious for gains and profits.
LIBRA SIGN-(24 September –23 October)
This week will not be smooth, some tensions in the family especially because of hospitalization or sudden expenses or loss shall disturb you a bit but overall it will be temporary phase as you shall be attaining complete favour of your destiny. Your back up reserves are very strong. Some relief can be expected after 4th, remaining week is good for gains and profits.
SCORPIO SIGN-(24 October – 22 November)
The beginning of the week indicating good compatibility and bonding with your spouse .The first half of the week shall go good but in the latter part keep aggression in control as you might get into dispute with partner or spouse .The expenses shall go out of control so don’t take any important decisions in the week .Think positive as last day of the week will bring happiness and favour of destiny.
SAGITTARIUS SIGN-(23 November – 21 December)
The week is favourable for education, love relation and happiness from children .You are likely to go on a short journey or outings with family in the beginning of week. For the expansion of work you shall get into beneficial partnerships. Your balanced and hidden talent is the core strength which shall help in all situations. You are advised not to take any decisions on 7th .Overall week is beneficial in all aspects of life.
CAPRICORN SIGN-(22 December- 20 January)
The week starts with the domestic happiness and closeness with the family .The week shall be better as compared to last week but tensions related to education, children and obstacles facing in all areas shall remain on 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Last 3 days of the week will keep you busy in short travels and expenditure on household items.
AQUARIUS SIGN-(21 January- 19 February)
The inner peace of mind will remain disturb, first 3 days of the week will bring ups and downs in the emotional relations and children. Be cautious in your behaviour with your children as otherwise there can be some arguments and the bitterness in the relation. From 4th evening remaining week shall bring harmony and domestic peace. Your ability of resourcefulness shall enhanced.
PISCES SIGN-(20 February- 20 March)
The planetary transit is favourable for you in all aspects of life. You would act as capable go getters. Your personnel, social influence shall increase. Your co associates shall be jealous of your performance and increasing potential. But take care of your health and avoid arguments with your mother as it will bring disturbance personally. But your confidence shall remain