The type of hairs is a unique characteristic of the personality of every person. In other words we can also say that the personality of a person can be very well known from the type of his/her hair. Interestingly hairs are the mirror of one’s personality. For instance the hairs of those associated with literary or research work are long, curly, rough & dry whereas the hairs of those associated with film industry are soft, neat and clean black and dense.
The hairs bring big change in the personality of a native therefore the quality of hairs of a person carry a lot of importance in enhancing the attraction in personality. Some people have curly hairs; some have straight whereas others have rough hairs. Here are given some planetary combinations which have been seen commonly in the horoscopes of natives for their curly, straight or rough hairs.
If Venus is Lagna lord, Vargottami, exalted or in its own sign in Kendra or Trikona and Mars and Saturn are also strong the native shall have curly hairs.
If a native is born with a full Moon aspected by Saturn & Mars and Lagna is occupied by a benefic planet the native has curly hairs.
If Jupiter, Moon & Mars all are strong in a chart and Lagna and Lagna lords are aspected by Jupiter & Moon the hairs are straight.
The hairs are coarse & rough if Lagna and Lagna lord are under the influence of malefics whereas Venus, Jupiter & Moon are weak the hairs are frizzy.
Density of Hair
Everyone wants to have good density of hairs. Some people have thick hairs; some have thin hairs whereas others are bald. Here are given the planetary combinations which have been seen commonly in their horoscopes for their less, medium or thick hairs.
Thick Hair
When Venus and Saturn are in Lagna the density of hairs is good.
Thin Hair
When Sun, Venus and Mercury all are in Lagna the hair density is average.
When Lagna is under the influence of Sun and Mars the native is bald headed.
When Jupiter, Sun & Mars all aspect Lagna the native is bald headed.
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It is the complexion of skin which can make you look more or less attractive and the fair complexion is the most popular skin complexion for that reason. Here are given some planetary combinations which have been seen commonly in the horoscopes of people for their fair, dark or dusky complexion.
If Lagna is aspected or occupied by Mars, Ketu, Saturn or Jupiter the native is fair in colour.
Medium or Whitish
If Lagna is occupied or aspected by Mars & Venus the native is having wheatish complexion.
Lagna occupied or aspected by the Sun.
Lagna occupied or aspected by Mars, Mercury & Moon.
Lagna occupied or aspected by Rahu causes dark complexion
Lagna occupied or aspected by the Moon.
Eye Color
As hairs can denote some characteristics of the personality of a person in the same way the secret of one’s heart along with state of mind can be easily guessed from his/her eyes. Therefore, when one indulges in some negative or illegal activity it becomes difficult for him/her to have eye contact while communicating with people around. For knowing about one’s eyes, the second, 12th and first house should be studied. Most of the people have commonly found eye color whereas few people have extremely attractive eyes because of their unique eye color. Here are some planetary combinations which give different types of eye color.
2nd house or second lord aspected or occupied by Rahu or Saturn alone causes dark eye color
Second house or second lord aspected or occupied by Mars gives reddish brown eye color
2nd house or 2nd lord aspected or occupied by Venus or Moon gives greyish eyes
2nd house or 2nd lord aspected or occupied by Sun, Mars & Ketu gives honey color eyes
2nd house or 2nd lord aspected or occupied by Jupiter gives yellowish brown eye color
2nd house or 2nd lord aspected or occupied by Mercury gives greenish eyes
Eye Sight
Generally the eye sight of people remains normal till the age of 40. It is also not an exaggerated statement that if one has the eyes he has the whole world and if one is blind then everything is deserted. Some people have weak eyesight since their childhood or else they lose it in the early years of their life. Here are given some planetary combinations which have been seen commonly in the horoscopes of natives for their good, medium or poor eyesight.
If the second house is occupied by benefics and the second house lord is well placed in its own house or in Kendra or Trikona and aspected by benefics and not aspected or conjunct with malefics the eyesight is excellent.
If the Sun and Mars are in the 12th house then eyesight gets reduced.
If the second house is hemmed between malefics.
If Sun and Venus both are exalted eyesight goes weak.
If Mars is debilitated in the 8th house the eye sight is weak.
If the second house lord is debilitated in 6th, 8th or 12th house and is afflicted by malefics the eye sight is weak.
Hearing Power
The power of hearing is analysed from 3rd and 11th house because in the chart of Kalpurusha the third and eleventh house signify ears. Therefore, if these houses are strong the hearing power is also strong and in addition to that if the significator of mode of communication Mercury should also be strong. The following planetary combinations have been seen commonly in the horoscopes of people for their curly, straight or rough hairs.
If Jupiter, Mercury, 3rd house, 3rd lord, 11th house & 11th lords are badly afflicted and the given karaka planets of these houses are placed in bad houses the native is hard of hearing.
If Jupiter, Mercury, 3rd house, 3rd lord, 11th house & 11th lord all are under the influence of malefics as well as benefics there is little problem of hearing.
If Jupiter, Mercury, 3rd house, 3rd lord, 11th house & 11th lord all are well placed and not afflicted the native has perfect hearing power.
Voice Quality
The quality of voice is a distinguishing characteristic of the nature and personality of a person. For instance some people talk loudly with a command whereas some speak softly like a humble gentleman which denotes whether the person is short tempered or sweet and sophisticated. Speech is studied from the 2nd house. The significators are Jupiter and Mercury. Some people have good quality of voice whereas others have rough or average quality voice. Here are given some planetary combinations which have been seen commonly in the horoscopes of people for their good, average or bad voice.
The voice of a native is calm and confident when Jupiter and Mercury are conjunct in Kendra or trikona or there is mutual aspect or mutual exchange between Jupiter and Mercury.
If 2nd lord, 3rd lord & 10th lord are conjunct in Kendra or Trikons the voice quality is excellent and confident.
If Lagna lord, 2nd lord and 10th lord are conjunct in kendra or Triokona the voice quality is calm and confident.
If the 2nd lord is exalted, Vargottami, in its own sign or friendly sign in Kendra or Triokna and aspected by Jupiter the voice quality is calm and confident.
If 2nd lord, Mercury and Jupiter all are afflicted by malefics the voice is shrill and stressed.
If 2nd lord, Mercury and Jupiter all are placed in bad houses and also afflicted by malefics and are conjunct with 8th lord and 12th lord the voice is struggled and stammered.
Tone of Voice
Some people have pleasing tones of voice; some have ordinary whereas others have irritating tones. Here are given some planetary combinations which have been seen commonly in the horoscopes of people for their mesmerising, regular or argumentative tone.
In horoscope 3rd house talks about the voice quality therefore the influence of benefic planets on this house makes the voice quality mesmerizing and spell binding.
If the 3rd house is occupied or aspected by Venus, Mercury, Moon and Jupiter the voice quality is mesmerizing.
If 3rd house is not aspected by malefics and 3rd lord is exalted, Vargottami, in its own or friendly sign in Kendra or Trikona and aspected by benefics, the voice quality is mesmerizing.
Regular/Not outstanding
If 3rd house is neither having influence of malefics nor benefics the vice quality is not outstanding.
If Jupiter and Mercury are weak and the third house is not aspected by benefics the voice quality is not outstanding.
If 3rd house is aspected and occupied by malefics the voice is quarrelsome and argumentative.
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